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    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 53 entries
Dec 2007
2:12 PM CST

Update about things :D

Ok, so what to write about..I have no idea, lol. A lot has happened since my last journal entry of course and I always tell myself oh, I'll write one later but always put it aside. I like going back and reading what I wrote because I see how I's pretty neat. I wish I would've wrote since like 7th grade or something, that would be fun to go back and read crap from back then. Bet my grammar would be horrible though, lol. Using all the wrong words (there, their, they're...and can't forget too & to) Ok, well anyways, let me see. As you know, if you read my other journals, I did finally quit Kroger's and I have already started working at the plasma center. I like it a lot more than Kroger's and it's crazy because they tell me about all the people who have worked there for a couple of days and then they just up and quit, it's just crayziness! I like really like it, not having to deal with all the bs of Kroger's and plus just had an awesome ass day today! The computer systems went down and I ended up going home like 4 hours earlier than I was supposed to after doing practically nothing. It was great, plus I got paid for the 8 hours :D And my manager even bough pizza :D Yum! So anyways, that being said...there's like no hotties that work there so that sucks...not one other person I work with is hot...grrr. But some of the donors, mmmhmm, but even then you know they're probably jobless like most of the donors. And yes, I know there are some plasma donors who have a job but I'm sure most of them do not. I had a job and still donated so I'm not saying that all of them are jobless..just some. Anyways, yeah, one dude was Mexican and looked a little thugish, my type! And the other one was a light colored black dude, really, really, cute. Pretty eye brows, pretty smile, and nice cut hair...he was really cute, oh, and had really pretty brown eyes. And what was funny was that I saw him and was like, dang, he's really cute. Then one of the girls that I work with was just like "OMG, why did they put him in front of the window!" And I was like why, and she said that she had a crush on him...I was just like, damn bitch, me and you got the same taste :D Haha. I didn't say that of course because I'm not out but yeah, it was funny. Umm, let me see what else to talk about. Umm, yeah, I have no idea what to talk about. So yeah, this was probably the most boring entry I have ever written but oh well, at least I wrote it :D

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